Why You Are Sick? Ariston P. Awitan M.D.

Why You Are Sick? Ariston P. Awitan M.D.

Why You Are Sick? Ariston P. Awitan M.D.

Disclaimer: Although some of what I report has only anecdotal evidence like testimonials and evidence of historical use, much of it is backed by science and either way, I believe that the information contained in these pages is valuable and worth consideration. Nonetheless, I make no claims of cures or prevention of any disease and tell the reader to trust nothing and verify everything.  

Nothing functions inside of the human body without minerals. Lack of minerals do indeed cause disease along with other factors, namely dehydration, lack of oxygen, too much inorganic iron, fluoride, chlorine, heavy metals and all toxic chemicals. All of these conditions can be minimized to a great degree, which can lend to vibrant health and increased energy for anyone who follows the natural remedies outlined in this article. There are opposing views on perhaps every subject and my advice to the reader is use more than one source when researching anything. 

I would go so far as to say, most of the information written here is irrefutable. For example, minerals are electrolytes that catalyze every function of the human body. In layman's terms, we might compare electrolytes to light switches. Each switch in your home provides electricity to a particular light. The light switch in your bathroom does not turn on the light in your kitchen. Each switch has its own function.

I like to compare the human electrical system to how your car runs on electricity. Cars require electricity to ignite the fuel, run the car's computer and power up the lights, gauges, horn, etc. The simple failure of a tiny fuse or other electrical component can prevent your car from running. Restoring your car to full performance may be as simple as replacing an inexpensive fuse and it may be as complex as replacing the motherboard in your car's computer.

When money is involved there is always a temptation on the part of a doctor, a lawyer, mechanic, plumber or any service professional to lie as to the problem you are experiencing in order to increase profits to the practitioner. A second opinion is always recommended, unless your mechanic or doctor tells you your problem is simple and will cost very little to fix, without any side effects or complications. 

DON'T BLINDLY TRUST YOUR DOCTOR. Numbers of people have suffered the pain and expense of chemotherapy, even when their doctor knew that the person DID NOT have cancer. Patients have died at the hands of unscrupulous heart surgeons when the patient clearly DID NOT need open heart surgery and these tragedies result from greed and most frequently take advantage of people who have the best insurance.

There are a myriad of things that you can do for yourself prior to needing a doctor and you might be surprised at how much control you can have over your own health. Every minor sickness and every major disease is due in part to a lack of one or more minerals in your body. The likelihood that you can discover which mineral or minerals you are lacking is quite probable just by reading or by browsing the internet and asking the right questions. 

When it comes to nutrition, you do not need to be a Rocket Scientist to understand that you need to buy fuel when your car runs out. When your body runs low on pure water and minerals, your cells become dehydrated and shrivel up, making it easy for viruses and diseases to attack, which in turn leads to disease and premature death.

Toxins also lead to disease and we live in a very toxic world compared to just a few generations ago. Thousands of new chemicals are discovered each year and most of them eventually end up in the air we breathe, the water we drink and the food we eat.

Carpets, furniture, painted walls and many other things in our modern homes and offices give off gas poisonous fumes. Chemical soaps, detergents, shampoos, toothpaste, etc. are used on a continuous basis and all of these things cause cancer, diabetes and a host of other diseases.

Most of us understand the effect of getting dirt inside of a cut or wound. The wound will fester instead of healing. If not disinfected, further complications may occur that could eventually necessitate surgery or amputation. However, when thoroughly disinfected, a wound will normally heal or cure itself as long as the necessary building blocks of nutrition are available. All of the bodily systems and organs respond similarly when they become infected with toxins of any kind.

Something that is epidemic in the U.S. is adult onset (type-2) diabetes. If the pancreas gets overloaded with toxins, it has to give all of its energy to eliminating the toxins, which interferes with its ability to produce insulin. In most cases, when the toxins are removed, the pancreas will start producing insulin again and the symptom called diabetes just disappears. 

Cure is something that only the body can do, but we have to do our part if we want the body to heal itself. God created the human body in such a way that when we get toxins out of the body and then get the proper minerals in our diet, the body will heal or cure itself.

Before a problem or disease can be corrected, we must first understand the problem. The problem in a majority of cases of diabetes is an overload of toxins in the pancreas; it's that simple!

All disease have a corresponding toxic condition. We just give the symptoms different names based upon where the toxins are being deposited. For example, if we get toxins dumped into and around the joints, we call it Arthritis. Toxins deposited in the muscle tissues result in Fibromyalgia. Toxins in the brain gets many different names from Migraines to ADHD to Dementia, depression, anxiety, etc.

Toxins around the nerves can result in Multiple Sclerosis because all toxins are acidic and in this case the acid eats away the myelin sheath from around the nerves, which is not only extremely painful, but eventually ends up in affecting motor functions of the body.

Toxins coming out through the skin can cause rashes Psoriasis, Eczema, etc. These are also acidic and cause burning and itching. Get rid of the toxins and symptoms often go away. Sometimes one or more organs are weaker than the surrounding tissues and toxins pool up inside of the weakened organ due to its inability to fight off toxins as readily as the stronger surrounding tissues. This poses a major threat to the organ and the body reacts by building a protein or fibrin sheath around the toxins, which we call a tumor.

The cells inside of the tumor often mutate in order to survive, which we call malignant cancer cells. Mutated cells thrive in a toxic environment and because there is an abundant supply of toxins inside of the tumor they grow rapidly.

The tumor builds its own circulatory system and the cancer cells gobble up the toxins from the dirty blood flowing into the tumor. In this way your blood is filtered in much the same way that the oil filter on your car filters and cleans the oil.

A tumor is actually your friend. It was created to prolong your life, so what do most people do to their friend? They go to their doctor who attempts to kill the cancer with Chemo, Radiation or Surgery.

Statistics show that those who don't get traditional medical treatments for cancer live an average five years longer than those who do. Then why do so many people opt for such drastic treatments?

Even getting biopsies are dangerous. The head doctor at the Hippocrates Cancer Clinic said that getting a biopsy is like punching a hole in a bag of rice. The tumor encapsulates the cancer cells, but once a biopsy is done, the cancer cells are free to enter the blood stream and travel throughout the body and that is what causes metastasis.

The other problem with diagnosis is the fact that it scares people into believing they are going to die and then they die. There have been numbers of cases where people were misdiagnosed; they didn't actually have cancer, but after the doctor told them they did, their belief system caused them to get cancer.

The first order of business if you are diagnosed with any symptom or disease is to turn on the body's ability to detoxify itself. There are many harsh detox programs, but I prefer to work with nature and give the body what it needs to turn on its own God-given ability to detoxify itself. This not only results in a better and more complete detox, but it is not invasive like most products designed for detoxification.

The body cannot be detoxified in a dehydrated condition and I can almost guarantee that if you are not drinking the right kind of water. Water is necessary for life, which means all living things die when they get too dehydrated.

Drinking the Right Kind of Water

Drinking the right kind of water is one of your best natural protections against all kinds of diseases. If the body’s cells become dehydrated, they shrivel up, making it easy for viruses and diseases to attack, often leading to disease and an untimely and premature death.

Water is a vital component of all bodily fluids, tissues, cells, lymph, blood and hormones, and the mucous membranes need plenty of water to keep them soft and free from friction on their delicate surfaces.

Water also acts as a transportation medium for nutrients to the various parts of the body and one of the most important functions of water is to flush toxins and salt from the body.

The Benefits of Drinking Distilled Water

“When you consume excessive amounts of inorganic minerals from the water you drink, your body cannot rid itself of them fast enough, so they end up as unwelcome deposits scattered throughout your body.”

“In fact, scientific studies have shown that minerals contained in spring water, mineral water, and in tap water are poorly absorbed and mostly rejected by cellular tissue sites. That’s because usable minerals do not pass through cell walls; they must be actively transported by the body’s metabolic processes.”

“The presence of excessive unabsorbed minerals may cause arterial obstruction and internal body damage that can manifest itself in a myriad of ‘modern diseases’. For example, they can precipitate to form kidney and gallbladder stones, hardening of the arteries, arthritis, heart trouble, and dangerous plaques. These plaques often lead to cardiovascular problems, and when joined with uric acid, may result in arthritic symptoms.”

“All water, including distilled water, is made of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom, so it is electrically neutral. However, the negative and positive charges are unevenly distributed. The electronic (negative) charge is concentrated at the oxygen end of the molecule. This ever-so-slight charge imbalance coupled with the highest level of purity found in distilled water helps create an alkaline environment, even though distilled water does test acidic for its pH.”

“The unencumbered and subtle negative charge in distilled water attracts the positively charged acidic waste products and helps flush them out of the body. Perhaps this is why another common myth about drinking distilled water is that it causes essential minerals to leach out of the body, but nothing could be further from the truth.”

“Thanks to the cleansing action of distilled water, your body will have a more alkaline pH, which is essential to your bone health, as I write in the Save Our Bones Program.”

“I recommend that you drink distilled water throughout the day and add a few drops of lemon juice to each glass. Lemon juice enhances the purification qualities of distilled water, helps increase the body pH, and gives it a refreshing flavor. I also suggest that you cook in distilled water, not only because of the health benefits (foods absorb the water they’re cooked in), but also you’ll notice a greatly improved flavor.” 

Excerpted from Vivian Goldschmidt’s book, The Missing Link Copyright © 2011 Save Our Bones, Vivian Goldschmidt.

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